Tuesday 28 April 2015

Tour de Yorkshire

We have been going Tour de Yorkshire mad here at Country Warmth. If it moves (even if it doesn't!) it has been painted blue and yellow!

We started by visiting the local tip and with permission got some deceased bicycles! These painted up really well and provided us with a variety of sizes for our display. We have chained our bikes to posts near the front of the shop, however that didn't stop Friday night's post pub attendees cutting a small bike free and attempting to ride it home..! Firstly the bike was small so there must have been some knee knocking on chins going on. Secondly, judging by the lack of paint left on the seat, whoever pinched it will have a blue pattern on the bottom of their trousers! Anyway, the errant bike progress was tracked moving around Norton until our member of staff Sam kindly retrieved it from making further progress down the Scarborough Road.

We have also painted an AGA in the same livery. That too will be positioned outside the shop. We would be amazed if 400kg of cast iron goes wandering around Norton when the pubs close this weekend - but hey, watch this space!

Our plans for the race day include making and selling biscuits, in the shape of bicycle wheels of course! We will sell these homemade biscuits for 50p with the proceeds going to the Jenny Unwin Appeal.

In keeping with the decorated shop with blue and yellow bunting, we have embellished Tour de Yorkshire T Shirts. We have even commissioned our own 'Mrs Madden Makes' blue and yellow aprons.

We are looking forward to a great day, good luck to all the cyclists!

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