Wednesday 28 January 2015

AGA Porridge

How is Breakfast Week going so far?

Here's a tasty and healthy recipe for tomorrow morning:

Any health guru will tell you that porridge is a perfect start to the day and this recipe is particulary virtuous, as it needs only water, not milk.

With the AGA Total Control cooker you can cook in two different ways, either on the hotplate or by overnight cooking, which means waking up to a warming no-effort breakfast. That's not to say it can't be made indulgent with any number of delicious toppings. 

Serves 3-4

Bring the water and oatmeal to the boil in a 2 litre AGA saucepan whilst whisking and then simmer on the simmering plate for 3 minutes. Cover.

Transfer to the oven grid shelf on the floor of the simmering oven and leave overnight, about 6-7 hours. In the morning take the pan from the oven and stir well, serve with apricot conserve, fruit compote, honey, brown sugar or your favourite topping.

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